The Mysterious Error: “length = 2212” in Coercion to ‘logical(1)’ when using biblioshiny() with bibliometrix Package
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The Mysterious Error: “length = 2212” in Coercion to ‘logical(1)’ when using biblioshiny() with bibliometrix Package

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Are you stuck with the perplexing error “length = 2212” in coercion to ‘logical(1)’ when trying to use the biblioshiny() function with the bibliometrix package in R? You’re not alone! Many researchers and analysts have encountered this frustrating issue, which can bring their bibliometric analysis to a grinding halt. Fear not, dear reader, for this article is here to guide you through the troubleshooting process and provide clear explanations to tackle this error once and for all!

What is bibliometrix and biblioshiny()?

Before we dive into the error, let’s quickly introduce the bibliometrix package and the biblioshiny() function. bibliometrix is an R package designed for quantitative and exploratory analysis of bibliometric data, providing a comprehensive set of tools for data cleaning, processing, and visualization. One of its most popular features is the biblioshiny() function, which creates an interactive web application for exploratory data analysis and visualization.

The Error: “length = 2212” in Coercion to ‘logical(1)’

Now, let’s focus on the error that brought you here. When you try to run the biblioshiny() function, you’re met with an error message that looks something like this:

Error in if (length(unique(paper$ISSN)) != 1) { : 
  valor length de 2212 no puede ser coercitivo a lógico (length 1)

This error message can be intimidating, but don’t worry, we’re about to break it down and provide a step-by-step solution.

Understanding the Error Message

The error message is telling us that there’s an issue with coercing a value of length 2212 to a logical value of length 1. In other words, R is trying to convert a vector of 2212 elements into a single logical value (TRUE or FALSE), which is causing the error.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve this error, follow these troubleshooting steps carefully:

  1. Check your data: The first step is to examine your data for any inconsistencies or errors. Make sure your dataset is clean and free of duplicates, especially in the ISSN column.

  2. Verify the ISSN column: The error message mentions the ISSN column, so let’s focus on this specific column. Check if the ISSN column contains any missing or NA values. You can use the following code to identify any missing values:


    If you find any missing values, you’ll need to either remove them or replace them with valid ISSN numbers.

  3. Check for non-unique ISSN values: The error message suggests that there are multiple unique ISSN values. Run the following code to check for non-unique ISSN values:


    If you find any duplicated ISSN values, you’ll need to remove them or merge them into a single unique value.

  4. Verify the data type: Ensure that the ISSN column is of the correct data type. You can check the data type using the following code:


    If the ISSN column is not a character vector, you may need to convert it using the following code:

    paper$ISSN <- as.character(paper$ISSN)
  5. Re-run the biblioshiny() function: After addressing the issues in the previous steps, re-run the biblioshiny() function to see if the error persists.

Additional Tips and Considerations

To avoid encountering this error in the future, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Regularly clean and preprocess your data to ensure consistency and accuracy.

  • Verify the data types of your columns to ensure they match the expected format.

  • Use unique and consistent identifiers for your publications, such as DOI or PMID, to reduce the risk of duplicates.


The "length = 2212" error in coercion to 'logical(1)' when using biblioshiny() with the bibliometrix package can be frustrating, but by following these troubleshooting steps and tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and continue with your bibliometric analysis. Remember to stay vigilant and regularly check your data for errors and inconsistencies to ensure a smooth analysis process.

Troubleshooting Step Description
Check your data Examine your dataset for inconsistencies or errors
Verify the ISSN column Check for missing or NA values in the ISSN column
Check for non-unique ISSN values Identify and remove duplicated ISSN values
Verify the data type Ensure the ISSN column is of the correct data type
Re-run the biblioshiny() function Re-run the biblioshiny() function after addressing the issues

By following these steps and tips, you'll be well on your way to resolving the "length = 2212" error and unlocking the full potential of the bibliometrix package and biblioshiny() function for your bibliometric analysis.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with the error "length = 2212" in coercion to 'logical(1)' when using biblioshiny() with bibliometrix package? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q1: What is the main cause of the error "length = 2212" in coercion to 'logical(1)'?

The error usually occurs when the input data is not properly formatted or when the biblioshiny() function is not compatible with the version of R or bibliometrix package. It can also happen when there are missing or duplicate values in the data.

Q2: How can I check if my data is properly formatted for biblioshiny()?

You can use the str() function in R to check the structure of your data. Make sure that your data is in a data frame format and that all columns are of the correct data type. You can also use the head() function to view the first few rows of your data.

Q3: What can I do if I have missing or duplicate values in my data?

You can use the na.omit() function to remove rows with missing values. For duplicate values, you can use the unique() function to remove duplicates. Alternatively, you can use the filter() function from the dplyr package to remove rows with missing or duplicate values.

Q4: How can I update my R and bibliometrix package to the latest version?

You can use the update.packages() function in R to update all installed packages, including bibliometrix. Make sure to restart R after updating the packages.

Q5: What if I'm still getting the error after trying all the above solutions?

If you're still getting the error, try reinstalling the bibliometrix package or seeking help from the package authors or online forums. You can also try using a different version of R or a different machine to see if the issue is specific to your setup.

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