Angular How to Open Email as Draft (Preferrably in Outlook)
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Angular How to Open Email as Draft (Preferrably in Outlook)

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Are you tired of sending emails only to realize you forgot to attach a crucial file or add an important detail? Do you wish there was a way to open an email as a draft, allowing you to review and edit it before sending it off to its intended recipient? Look no further, dear Angular developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to open an email as a draft, preferably in Outlook, using Angular. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

Why Open Email as Draft?

  • Reduced errors: By opening an email as a draft, you can review and edit it before sending, reducing the likelihood of errors and omissions.

  • Increased productivity: With the ability to open an email as a draft, you can work on multiple emails simultaneously, increasing your productivity and efficiency.

  • Improved collaboration: Opening an email as a draft allows you to collaborate with others in real-time, making it easier to get feedback and input before sending.

  • The Solution: Using the Mailto Protocol

    The solution lies in utilizing the mailto protocol, which allows you to launch the default email client with a pre-populated email template. In our case, we’ll use Angular to create a button that, when clicked, opens a new email as a draft in Outlook (or the default email client).

    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-email-draft',
      template: `
        <button (click)="openEmailAsDraft()">Open Email as Draft</button>
    export class EmailDraftComponent {
      openEmailAsDraft() {
        const subject = 'Test Email';
        const body = 'This is a test email opened as a draft.';
        const emailTo = '';
        const emailCC = '';
        const emailBCC = '';
        const mailtoLink = `mailto:${emailTo}?cc=${emailCC}&bcc=${emailBCC}&subject=${subject}&body=${body}`;
   , '_blank');

    In the above code, we’re using the mailto protocol to create a new email with a pre-populated subject, body, and recipient list. The function is used to launch the default email client with the generated mailto link.

    Customizing the Email Template

    Now that we have the basic solution in place, let’s explore how to customize the email template to fit your specific needs.

    1. Adding attachments: You can add attachments to the email using the following syntax: mailto:${emailTo}?attachment=file:///path/to/file.

    2. Setting the email format: You can set the email format to HTML or plain text using the following syntax: mailto:${emailTo}?body=This%20is%20an%20HTML%20email&html.

    3. Adding custom headers: You can add custom headers to the email using the following syntax: mailto:${emailTo}?headers=X-Header:Value.

    Example: Opening an Email as a Draft with Attachments

    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-email-draft',
      template: `
        <button (click)="openEmailAsDraft()">Open Email as Draft with Attachments</button>
    export class EmailDraftComponent {
      openEmailAsDraft() {
        const subject = 'Test Email with Attachments';
        const body = 'This is a test email opened as a draft with attachments.';
        const emailTo = '';
        const emailCC = '';
        const emailBCC = '';
        const attachment1 = 'file:///path/to/file1.pdf';
        const attachment2 = 'file:///path/to/file2.docx';
        const mailtoLink = `mailto:${emailTo}?cc=${emailCC}&bcc=${emailBCC}&subject=${subject}&body=${body}&attachment=${attachment1}&attachment=${attachment2}`;
   , '_blank');

    In the above example, we’re adding two attachments to the email using the attachment parameter. You can add multiple attachments by separating them with ampersands (&).

    Browser Compatibility

    It’s essential to note that the mailto protocol may not work as expected in certain browsers or email clients. Here’s a breakdown of the compatibility:

    Browser Email Client Compatibility
    Google Chrome Outlook Yes
    Google Chrome Gmail No
    Mozilla Firefox Outlook Yes
    Mozilla Firefox Gmail No
    Microsoft Edge Outlook Yes
    Microsoft Edge Gmail No

    As you can see, the mailto protocol works as expected in most browsers and email clients, with the exception of Gmail in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.


    In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored how to open an email as a draft in Angular, preferably in Outlook, using the mailto protocol. We’ve covered the basics of the solution, customizing the email template, and browser compatibility. By implementing this solution in your Angular application, you’ll be able to reduce errors, increase productivity, and improve collaboration. Happy coding!

    If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below. Don’t forget to share this article with your fellow developers and help spread the knowledge!

    Read more about Angular and email development on our blog:

    Frequently Asked Question

    Get ready to master the art of opening emails as drafts in Outlook using Angular!

    Can I open an email as a draft in Outlook using Angular?

    Yes, you can! Angular provides a way to interact with the Outlook API, allowing you to open an email as a draft. You’ll need to use the Outlook API and the Angular HTTP client to send a request to create a new email and set the “isDraft” property to true.

    How do I authenticate with the Outlook API to open an email as a draft?

    To authenticate with the Outlook API, you’ll need to register your application in Azure Active Directory and obtain an access token. You can then use this token to make requests to the Outlook API. In Angular, you can use the MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) to handle the authentication flow.

    What is the API endpoint to open an email as a draft in Outlook?

    The API endpoint to create a new email as a draft in Outlook is `{folderId}/messages`. You’ll need to send a POST request with the email details, including the subject, body, and recipients, and set the “isDraft” property to true.

    Can I open an email as a draft in Outlook using Angular without using the Outlook API?

    No, you can’t open an email as a draft in Outlook without using the Outlook API. The Outlook API provides a programmatic way to interact with Outlook, and Angular relies on this API to access Outlook features, including creating new emails as drafts.

    Is it possible to open an email as a draft in Outlook using Angular on a client-side application?

    Yes, it is possible! You can use the Outlook API and Angular to open an email as a draft in a client-side application. However, you’ll need to handle authentication and authorization properly to ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to interact with Outlook.