Unraveling the Mystery: Why Doesn’t Show EF Core 6, AppDbContext onModelCreating in modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema(“Schema name”)?
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Unraveling the Mystery: Why Doesn’t Show EF Core 6, AppDbContext onModelCreating in modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema(“Schema name”)?

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Are you tired of scratching your head, trying to figure out why EF Core 6 isn’t showing your AppDbContext onModelCreating in modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema(“Schema name”)? You’re not alone! This seemingly simple task has left many developers bewildered and frustrated. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the world of Entity Framework Core and uncover the secrets behind this enigmatic issue.

The Problem: A Brief Overview

When working with EF Core 6, you might have come across a situation where you need to specify a default schema for your database context. This is typically done using the modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema(“Schema name”) method in the OnModelCreating overload of your AppDbContext class. However, to your surprise, the onModelCreating method doesn’t seem to be called, and your schema configuration is nowhere to be found.

The Culprit: EF Core 6’s OnModelCreating Changes

So, what’s behind this mysterious behavior? The answer lies in the changes introduced in EF Core 6. In previous versions of EF Core, the OnModelCreating method was always called when the model was being built. However, with the advent of EF Core 6, this behavior has changed.

In EF Core 6, the OnModelCreating method is only called when the model is being built for the first time. Subsequent calls to the model builder don’t trigger the OnModelCreating method. This means that if you’re relying on the OnModelCreating method to configure your schema, you’ll be left wondering why it’s not working as expected.

The Solution: Understanding the New EF Core 6 Model Building Process

Fear not, dear reader! There’s a solution to this conundrum. To understand why the OnModelCreating method isn’t being called, we need to delve into the new model building process in EF Core 6.

Step 1: Model Building Overview

In EF Core 6, the model building process involves the following steps:

  • The model builder is created and configured.
  • The OnModelCreating method is called (only on the first model build).
  • The model is built and cached.
  • Subsequent requests to the model builder return the cached model.

As you can see, the OnModelCreating method is only called during the initial model building process. This means that any configuration done in this method won’t be reapplied on subsequent model builds.

Step 2: Understanding the EF Core 6 Model Cache

The EF Core 6 model cache is a crucial component in the new model building process. When the model is built for the first time, it’s cached to improve performance. Subsequent requests to the model builder return the cached model, bypassing the OnModelCreating method.

This caching mechanism is what causes the OnModelCreating method to not be called on subsequent model builds. But don’t worry, there’s a way to bypass this caching and ensure your schema configuration is applied correctly.

Bypassing the Model Cache: The Fix

To bypass the EF Core 6 model cache and ensure your schema configuration is applied correctly, you can use one of the following approaches:

Approach 1: Disable the Model Cache

You can disable the model cache by setting the ModelValidatorOptions.ValidateOnBuild property to true. This will force the model builder to rebuild the model on each request, calling the OnModelCreating method each time.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddDbContext<AppDbContext>(options =>
        options.ModelValidatorOptions.ValidateOnBuild = true;

While this approach works, it’s not recommended as it can negatively impact performance. A better approach is to use the modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema method in the DbContext constructor.

Approach 2: Use the DbContext Constructor

You can use the DbContext constructor to configure the default schema. This approach ensures that the schema configuration is applied correctly without disabling the model cache.

public class AppDbContext : DbContext
    public AppDbContext(DbContextOptions<AppDbContext> options) : base(options)
        var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(new ModelBuilderConfiguration());

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        // Your model configuration goes here

By using the DbContext constructor, you can ensure that the default schema is configured correctly without relying on the OnModelCreating method.


In conclusion, the mystery behind EF Core 6 not showing the AppDbContext onModelCreating in modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema(“Schema name”) lies in the new model building process and caching mechanism. By understanding how EF Core 6 builds and caches models, you can bypass the model cache and ensure your schema configuration is applied correctly.

Whether you choose to disable the model cache or use the DbContext constructor, you now have the tools to tackle this issue and configure your default schema with ease. Remember to use the approach that best fits your application’s needs, and happy coding!

EF Core 6 Version OnModelCreating Behavior
EF Core 6.0 Only called on first model build
EF Core 5.x and below Called on every model build

By understanding the differences in OnModelCreating behavior between EF Core 6 and previous versions, you can adapt your approach to configuring your default schema.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues with configuring your default schema, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  1. Verify that you’re using the correct EF Core 6 version.
  2. Check that you’ve correctly implemented the modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema method.
  3. Ensure that you’ve overridden the OnModelCreating method in your AppDbContext class.
  4. Try disabling the model cache to see if it resolves the issue.

By following these tips and understanding the EF Core 6 model building process, you’ll be well on your way to configuring your default schema with ease.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on why EF Core 6 doesn’t show AppDbContext onModelCreating with modelbuilder.HasDefaultSchema(“Schema name”)!

Q1: Why does EF Core 6 not generate the AppDbContext OnModelCreating method?

This is because EF Core 6 has changed the way it handles migrations. By default, EF Core 6 uses the “no Api” convention, which means it doesn’t generate the OnModelCreating method automatically. You need to manually add it to your AppDbContext class.

Q2: How do I configure the default schema for my AppDbContext in EF Core 6?

You can configure the default schema by using the `ConfigureConventions` method in your DbContext. For example: `builder.Conventions.SetTableIdentifierConvention(“SchemaName”);`. This sets the default schema for all tables.

Q3: Can I still use the OnModelCreating method to configure my AppDbContext?

Yes, you can! The OnModelCreating method is still available in EF Core 6. You can use it to configure your AppDbContext, including setting the default schema using `modelBuilder.HasDefaultSchema(“Schema name”)`. Just make sure to manually add the method to your AppDbContext class.

Q4: What if I want to set a different schema for a specific table or entity?

You can use the `ToTable` method to specify a different schema for a specific table or entity. For example: `modelBuilder.Entity().ToTable(“MyEntity”, “CustomSchema”);`. This sets the schema for the `MyEntity` table to “CustomSchema”.

Q5: Are there any other changes I need to be aware of in EF Core 6?

Yes, EF Core 6 has many changes and improvements. Be sure to check the official Microsoft documentation for a comprehensive guide on what’s new and what’s changed. Some notable changes include the removal of `EnableSensitiveDataLogging` and the introduction of `UseSqlite` and `UseInMemoryDatabase` methods.

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