The FlutterBackgroundTask Conundrum: Overcoming Issues in Android 14 (API 34)
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The FlutterBackgroundTask Conundrum: Overcoming Issues in Android 14 (API 34)

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Welcome to the world of Flutter development, where creating seamless and efficient mobile applications is the ultimate goal. However, as developers, we often stumble upon frustrating issues that can bring our project to a screeching halt. One such issue is the FlutterBackgroundTask problem in Android 14 (API 34), which has left many developers scratching their heads.

What is FlutterBackgroundTask?

FlutterBackgroundTask is a popular Flutter package that enables developers to execute tasks in the background, even when the app is not running. This package is particularly useful for tasks that require continuous execution, such as tracking location, monitoring sensors, or processing data.

The Problem: FlutterBackgroundTask in Android 14 (API 34)

Starting from Android 14 (API 34), Google introduced new restrictions on background tasks, which has led to compatibility issues with the FlutterBackgroundTask package. The main problem lies in the way Android 14 handles foreground services, which are essential for running tasks in the background.

The FlutterBackgroundTask package relies on the `android.permission.setForegroundService()` method to start a foreground service, which is no longer allowed in Android 14. This results in the following error message:

java.lang.SecurityException: Starting a foreground service from background can only be done from apps whitelisted in the exceptions list, and from apps that target Android Q and above

Understanding the New Restrictions in Android 14

To comprehend the issue, let’s dive deeper into the new restrictions introduced in Android 14:

  • Foreground Service Types: Android 14 introduces two types of foreground services: START_STICKY and START_NON_STICKY. The `START_STICKY` type allows the system to restart the service if it’s terminated, while the `START_NON_STICKY` type does not.
  • Foreground Service Whitelist: Android 14 provides a whitelist of apps that are allowed to start foreground services from the background. This list is managed by the system, and developers cannot modify it.
  • Android 14 and Above: Apps targeting Android 14 and above must use the `startForegroundService()` method instead of `startService()` to start a foreground service.

Solutions to the FlutterBackgroundTask Issue

Now that we understand the problem, let’s explore the solutions to overcome the FlutterBackgroundTask issue in Android 14 (API 34):

Solution 1: Update FlutterBackgroundTask Package

The easiest solution is to update the FlutterBackgroundTask package to the latest version, which includes patches for Android 14 compatibility. Make sure to check the package’s GitHub page for the latest updates and follow the installation instructions.

Solution 2: Use an Alternative Package

If updating the FlutterBackgroundTask package doesn’t work, you can consider using an alternative package, such as flutter_workmanager or android_alarm_manager. These packages provide similar functionality and are compatible with Android 14.

Solution 3: Implement a Custom Foreground Service

For more complex scenarios, you can implement a custom foreground service using native Android code. This approach requires a deeper understanding of Android development and the Flutter platform.

Here’s an example of how you can create a custom foreground service in Android:

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class MyForegroundService extends Service {
    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    public void onCreate() {
        // Create a notification channel
        NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel("my_channel", "My Channel", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT);
        NotificationManager manager = getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);

        // Create a notification
        Notification notification = new Notification.Builder(this, channel.getId())
                .setContentTitle("My Service")
                .setContentText("Running in the background")

        // Start the foreground service
        startForeground(1, notification);

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        // Your background task code goes here
        return START_STICKY;

    public void onDestroy() {
        // Stop the foreground service

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you overcome the FlutterBackgroundTask issue:

  • Target Android 14: Make sure your app targets Android 14 (API 34) or above to take advantage of the new foreground service types.
  • Use the Correct Notification Channel: Use the correct notification channel and importance level to ensure your foreground service is displayed correctly.
  • Test on Different Devices: Test your app on different devices and Android versions to ensure compatibility and identify any issues early on.
  • Monitor Background Task Execution: Monitor the execution of your background tasks to ensure they’re running correctly and not being terminated by the system.


The FlutterBackgroundTask issue in Android 14 (API 34) can be frustrating, but with the right solutions and workarounds, you can overcome this hurdle and create seamless and efficient mobile applications. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest Android developments and adapt your code to ensure compatibility.

By following the instructions and explanations provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the FlutterBackgroundTask issue and delivering a top-notch user experience for your app users.

Solution Description
Update FlutterBackgroundTask Package Update the FlutterBackgroundTask package to the latest version, which includes patches for Android 14 compatibility.
Use an Alternative Package Use an alternative package, such as flutter_workmanager or android_alarm_manager, which provides similar functionality and is compatible with Android 14.
Implement a Custom Foreground Service Implement a custom foreground service using native Android code, which requires a deeper understanding of Android development and the Flutter platform.

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to overcoming the FlutterBackgroundTask issue in Android 14 (API 34). By understanding the new restrictions and implementing the right solutions, you can ensure your Flutter app runs smoothly and efficiently, even in the background.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common questions about FlutterBackgroundTask issues in Android 14 (API 34)

Why does FlutterBackgroundTask not work in Android 14 (API 34)?

FlutterBackgroundTask relies on the `android.permission.WAKE_LOCK` permission to run tasks in the background. However, in Android 14 (API 34), this permission is no longer granted by default. To fix this, you need to declare the `android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM` permission in your AndroidManifest.xml file and handle the new `TargetSdkVersion` requirements.

How do I declare the `android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM` permission in my AndroidManifest.xml file?

Add the following line to your AndroidManifest.xml file, inside the `` tag: ``. Make sure to adjust the `targetSdkVersion` to 34 or higher in your `build.gradle` file.

What are the new `TargetSdkVersion` requirements in Android 14 (API 34)?

In Android 14 (API 34), you need to set the `targetSdkVersion` to 34 or higher in your `build.gradle` file. This will allow your app to use the new Android 14 features and permissions. Make sure to update your app’s `build.gradle` file to reflect this change.

Will FlutterBackgroundTask work on older Android versions with these changes?

Yes, FlutterBackgroundTask will continue to work on older Android versions (API 33 and below) with these changes. The new permissions and `TargetSdkVersion` requirements only apply to Android 14 (API 34) and above.

What if I’m still experiencing issues with FlutterBackgroundTask on Android 14 (API 34)?

If you’re still experiencing issues, try checking the FlutterBackgroundTask documentation and GitHub issues for any known workarounds or solutions. You can also try debugging your app to identify the root cause of the issue. If you’re still stuck, reach out to the Flutter community or a mobile development expert for further assistance.

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